"Changing Lives Through Literacy"


Thank you for inquiring about volunteer Literacy tutoring. Literacy tutors work with adults who wish to improve their reading, writing, and/ or math skills, study for the GED, or learn English as a Second Language. Our learners often have a specific life goal such as finding, retaining, or improving employment, studying for a driver's license, helping a child to read, talking to the doctor, reading labels on prescription medicine, or passing the citizenship test.

As a new tutor, you select a "Tutor Track." You decide if you wish to tutor in Basic Literacy (Reading & Writing for native speakers), ELL (English Language Learning for foreign language speakers), Math (basic math skills and financial literacy), Wilson Reading Intensive (for adults with low literacy who need intensive remediation), or GED preparation.

Tutor training varies according to the "tutoring track" you choose, but most often it encompasses 15 hours of initial training and 6 hours of annual continuing education. The standard commitment period is one year.

Tutors meet adult learners at mutually convenient times and in public locations (for example, the local library or a coffee shop). Plan to schedule 1-2 hours weekly to prepare for lessons and 2-4 hours per week for tutoring your learner. We do recognize that our volunteers and our learners have lives outside of their literacy education commitments; thus we honor vacations, family time, etc. We ask that you let us know in advance, so that we can create an alternative plan for your learner(s), if necessary.

Please note:
All new tutors must attend an Orientation and sessions in Writing and Successful Tutoring in addition to the training sessions required for the core "tutoring track."


We welcome volunteers to contribute their time and talents in a variety of ways including: assisting with clerical work in our offices; serving as ambassadors to promote and advocate for Literacy; helping with special events. Please call the Literacy New York Greater Capital Region office nearest you to learn out how you can make a difference. Thank you.

Contact us today!

"Every experience is a new, interesting opportunity for learning. I have learned to respect the students who honor themselves and their families with their courage to set goals, trust a helping hand, and walk through new doors."
Connie, Tutor

Tutor Responsibilites:

  • Participate in tutor training and continuing education throughout the year
  • Commit to tutoring for at least 1 year
  • Work with staff and learner to develop an individual learning plan
  • Tutor your learner for 2-4 hours a week
  • Track learner progress, hours, and lessons

Benefits of Tutoring:

  • Help a learner achieve his or her goals
  • Build your tutoring skill set
  • Meet new people-tutors, learners and literacy supporters
  • Give back to the community